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Gulabi Gang: We Are Fire
Bundelkhand region, in the hinterlands of Uttar Pradesh, is one of the poorest districts in India. In this deeply patriarchal society, domestic and sexual violence against women is endemic. The Gulabi (pink) Gang was founded by Sampat Pal to start a movement for change. Named for the pink saris worn by the women members, the organization helps raise women's consciousness and empowers them to becom... posted on Mar 15 2016, 2,825 reads


Why Silence Is Good for Your Brain
"As our internal and external environments become louder and louder, more people are beginning to seek out silence, whether through a practice of sitting quietly for 10 minutes every morning or heading off to a 10-day silent retreat. Inspired to go find some peace and quiet? Here are four science-backed ways that silence is good for your brain -- and how making time for it can make you feel less s... posted on Mar 14 2016, 80,377 reads


The Beggar Who Raised 1,042 Orphans
Sindhutai Sapkal's life story encompasses both heart-wrenching tragedy and radiant transformation. She started life as an unwanted child, was married to an abusive husband, and then abandoned when she was nine-months pregnant. She refused to let any of this close down her heart or stifle her spirit. Read on to learn how this extraordinary woman went from being a beggar on the streets to the adopte... posted on Mar 13 2016, 28,860 reads


How Nature Resets Our Minds and Bodies
"Nature restores mental functioning in the same way that food and water restore bodies. The business of everyday life -- dodging traffic, making decisions and judgment calls, interacting with strangers -- is depleting, and what man-made environments take away from us, nature gives back. There's something mystical and, you might say, unscientific about this claim, but its heart actually rests in wh... posted on Mar 12 2016, 16,469 reads


Three Surprising Ways to Feel Less Busy
"Although people tell me all the time they like feeling busy--perhaps because it makes them feel important and significant-- I'm not buying it. Would you ever choose busyness over a more relaxed form of productivity? When life starts to feel hectic, here are a few ways to dial back the overwhelm." This article shares three tips for achieving relaxed productivity (and also shares information on why... posted on Mar 11 2016, 38,046 reads


The Quest for Control Over Our Own Lives
"The basic nature of life is that it is ever-changing, uncontrollable. When we think we have stability in life, something comes up to remind us that no, we don't. There is no stability, no matter how much we'd like it. And this kinda freaks us out. We don't like this feeling of instability, of loss of control. So we do things to cope, out of love for ourselves. These are strategies for control, se... posted on Mar 10 2016, 15,570 reads


From Child Soldier to Refugee Lawyer
Deng Thiak Adut grew up on his family's farm in South Sudan, where his father grew bananas and other food crops. At just six-years-old, Deng was conscripted by the rebel People's Liberation Army. This video shows Deng's resilience and perseverance, and how he has transformed his life to be of service to others, despite the unimaginable trauma he endured in childhood. Deng now works as a lawyer in... posted on Mar 09 2016, 2,628 reads


Rising Women Rising World
"It is an unusual occurrence when the roll call of achievements of just three women includes several nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize; training roles for UN Development Programmes, and advice-giving to NATO military officers and government officials. That the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela and the Clintons, to name just a few, have sought them out for their input makes the individuals of this tri... posted on Mar 08 2016, 15,451 reads


What Makes A Person?: Identity's 7 Layers
A persons identity, Amin Maalouf wrote as he contemplated what he so poetically called the genes of the soul, is like a pattern drawn on a tightly stretched parchment. Touch just one part of it, just one allegiance, and the whole person will react, the whole drum will sound. And yet we are increasingly pressured to parcel ourselves out in various social contexts, lacerating the parchment of our id... posted on Mar 07 2016, 16,735 reads


"Looking back, Manuel Klarmann reflects that, "As an 8-year-old, when I learned that I was eating food while, on the other half of the planet, people were starving, that completely puzzled me. How could that happen?" It was a critical moment in his life. As a young man nearing eight years into an inspired startup, Klarmann talks about a deceptively simple idea, "What we're doing with Eaternity is ... posted on Mar 06 2016, 5,182 reads


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Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.
Carlos Fuentes

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